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What are you doing to 'jump' ahead with your Hypnosis?

In this week's blog I thought I'd share a video with you. As someone who is looking to make hypnosis a full time career and as someone who has believed in working for himself for a number of years I've always found videos from successful people to be inspiring and helpful in keeping the fire lit within me.

I'm a strong believer in positive thinking, followed by positive doing and I believe that if you begin to think in positive ways, you open yourself up to more positive opportunities that will allow you to have positive experiences.

The following video was recorded after the recording for Jeopardy had finished and Steve Harvey was talking to the audience saying that you have to 'jump' just once in your life.

I originally shared this video around 2 years ago across my social media because it spoke volumes to me and through the magic of Facebook it popped up on my timeline again just a couple of days ago.

My plan is to be 'free' from the daily grind within the next year. At the moment I'm investing time and money in improving my hypnosis and hypnotherapy business by working with some of the best hypnotic minds in the business, joining various groups and working with a business coach to improve aspects of my website and other media.

I'm also seeing as many people as I can with regards to hypnotherapy and I'm working hard to improve the show that I'm currently performing.

What are you doing to move your hypnosis forward this week? Maybe it could be performing some street hypnosis or it could be building a new website to make people aware of your skill set.

Jason Simmons is one half of Mapping Minds and the author of the forthcoming books: Tranceformation and The street hypnosis handbook. If you're interested in training with Mapping Minds feel free to check out our upcoming courses on training page of our site.

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